Make Appointment

At Dog Haven, we offer a safe and stimulating environment for your furry friend. Our dedicated team is ready to provide your dog with a tail-wagging experience they'll love!

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Special Sevice

We offer a range of unique services includes specialised medical services, post-surgery or injury recovery support, and even maternity support for canine expectant mothers

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Pet Training

Our experienced trainers utilize positive reinforcement techniques to teach essential obedience commands, address behavior challenges, and strengthen the bond between you and your furry companion.

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A Safe Haven for Your Beloved Pets

Providing top-quality care and services to ensure the happiness and well-being of your furry friends.

Safe and Fun-filled Environment

The safety and well-being of your dogs are our top priorities. Our facility is equipped with state-of-the-art security measures to ensure a secure environment. We maintain a strict cleanliness regimen to guarantee a hygienic space for your pets. Additionally, our team supervises all activities, ensuring that your dog’s engage in safe and enjoyable playtime

Safe and Fun-filled

A Luxurious Retreat for Your Furry Friend

Our Doggy SPA service invites you to enter a world of canine luxury. In our SPA, your cherished pet can indulge in some well-deserved pampering in a peaceful, relaxing environment. To relax their muscles and reduce any stress, give your dog a soothing massage. With treatments including nail trimming, brushing, and washing, our skilled groomers will keep your pet looking their best. A delightful and rejuvenating experience for your dog is guaranteed by our scented baths, which are provided using pet-friendly, organic materials. At DogHeavens, our doggy SPA focuses on holistic well-being, increasing your dog's happiness, health, and general quality of life. It's not just about pleasure. The greatest in pampering is yours to give your pet. To schedule a Doggy SPA session right now, click on "Special Services"!

A Luxurious Retreat
                        for Your Furry Friend

Prioritizing Your Pet's Well-being

A happy dog is a healthy dog, according to DogHeavens. To help your animal buddy stay healthy and at their best, we provide a variety of services. Our dog health care services are individualised to meet the needs of your pet. Our in-house veterinarians conduct routine wellness exams to monitor your pet's health and catch any potential problems early. We provide a full body evaluation to ensure optimum health, including eye, ear, and dental tests as well as heart and lung exams. We also provide preventative care services including immunizations, deworming, flea and tick prevention, and nutritional counselling in addition to these health exams. To keep your pet active and at a healthy weight, our staff can also create customized fitness and exercise programmers. We treat your dog as if it were our own at DogHeavens. Discover how we can help your pup live the happiest, healthiest life possible by exploring our Doggy Health Care under 'Special Services'.

Prioritizing Your
                        Pet's Well-being

Here's What They Say

Discover why our customers trust us with their beloved pets.

Prioritizing Your
                            Pet's Well-being

"I was initially apprehensive about leaving Sam with strangers, but my concerns quickly dissipated. Moving forward, Dogs Haven will be my top preference for pet sitting." - Kat L.

Prioritizing Your
                            Pet's Well-being

"I was hesitant about entrusting my beloved pet to a pet sitting service, but Dogs Haven proved to be exceptional. They provided top-notch care, and I wouldn't hesitate to recommend them to any pet owner." - Sarah M.

Prioritizing Your
                            Pet's Well-being

"Leaving my furry friend with someone new made me nervous at first, but Dogs Haven exceeded my expectations. I can confidently say that they will always be my go-to choice for pet sitting." - John S.