What time slots does Dog Haven accept drop-offs and pickups?

Our drop-off and pick-up times are 7:30 am and 6:00 pm respectively. To ensure a seamless transfer for all of the pets in our care, we respectfully ask that you observe these specified timeframes.

Is my dog allowed to spend the night at Dog Haven?

Dog Haven currently only provides day care services from 7:30 am to 6:00 pm. Overnight boarding is not something we offer. However, in order to better serve our clients, we are planning to expand our offerings in the future. Check back for any updates!

How do you manage pets with unique requirements or health issues?

To the best of our abilities, we try to accommodate dogs with particular requirements or health issues. Please be as specific as possible about your dog's health, medication needs, and any special needs during the registration process. Your dog will get the essential care and attention from our skilled personnel, we promise.

Does Dog Haven have any breed restrictions?

At Dog Haven, we don't have any breed limitations. As long as they pass our compatibility test, we accept dogs of different breeds, sizes, and temperaments to offer a secure and enjoyable environment for every dog in our care.

Do you provide special rates for lengthy reservations or many dogs?

Long-term reservations and multiple dogs from the same household qualify for discounts. To discuss your specific needs and for more information on our discounted pricing, please get in touch with a member of our staff.

What happens if my dog experiences anxiety or behavioural problems?

We are aware that certain dogs may exhibit nervousness or behavioral problems in unfamiliar settings. Our professionally qualified staff members are skilled in managing a range of behaviors and will make every effort to make sure your dog is at ease and secure. We'll keep a careful eye on how they act and take extra care as necessary.